I got my copy of their publication, World Ark, today and in it is a story from which I borrowed the title for this post. It's about how raising silkworms in China provides a living for people. If you're like me and you love silk, then take a minute to read this story. Did you know that a Bombyx silkworm cocoon is made from a single, continuous strand of silk that can be up to 3,000 feet long? Pretty cool, huh. Read the article and you'll find out even more interesting facts.

UPDATE: I received a note from Heifer thanking me for my donation and saying that response to the matching fund had been tremendous. They reached the $2.5 million mark very quickly! That being said, donations to Heifer are alwasy appreciated, even when no one is matching them. :)
Like I said, this is one of my favorite charities. Hope you don't mind that I'm shilling for them today! At least I gave you some fiber information, too. :) And if you want other options, I recommend visiting Compassion International, my other favorite charity. :)
We LOVE Heifer International and use it a lot for gifts (donations in someone's name). I like getting shares of llamas. ;)
Thanks for the linkage to Compassion International. And the fiber info.
You're saving lives. What better reason is there to blog?
Shaun Groves
Whoa! Isn't it cool that Compassion Int'l responded to your link?
Both are very worthy, super effective organizations.
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