Okay, enough with lists and smoke detectors. There
has been knitting here and I have proof via pictures! So without further ado. . .
Fetching in Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran. I made them a little longer at both wrist and finger ends than the pattern specifies, so I used two skeins instead of just one rather than worry about running out of yarn. Destined to be a Christmas present. Oh, and I didn't do the picot bind off, either. :)
Dashing in Gedifra English Tweed. Another Christmas present of the manly persuasion. A very quick knit -- most of the pattern is 4x1/4x2 ribbing with only three rounds of cable twists. These are quite long, which I hope the guy they're intended for will like.

Earflap hats! Three, all made from the same yarn, Plymouth Yukon Print, all in the same color/dye lot, and all three striped slightly differently. Each hat took one skein, but there wasn't anything left to do the braids.

I had purchased an extra skein just in case and used that to make the braids. Love the super bulky yarn for quick-knit hats! The pattern came from
The Knitting Bee and is very, very simple. Hope teenage boys like these!
The remaining Christmas knitting list is now. . .
Watch cap
Mug cozy (1 more)
Socks (1 more pair)
Felted clogs (one done, one to go)
Block one scarf
Line one felted bag.
I'm getting there!
Say -
Aren't those "Dashing" gauntlets the same as the Harlot did, only your cables are done the *correct* way? Hehehe Good knitting!
Great gifts! I love how the colors striped in those hats, it looks so cool.
I love how those ear flap hats all striped differently. Very cool
Look at you, just crankin' out the cool handwarmers! (I never do the picot bind off on Fetchings either.)
ok i will be the first to comment on the furniture. i think the ottoman option is great because it is nice to sit on the couch and put your legs on an ottoman instead of the couch plus i like the recliner. I know not a combo you talked about but that is what i liked when i saw it all.
Love all your creations! What a talent person you are! I just love the earflap hat. I went to the knitting bee site and could not find the pattern. These would make great christmas gifts. Can you link me up to the pattern please. thanks Dusty
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