Yes, I'm back from the cruise and yes, we had a wonderful time.
But no, I'm really not back in the swing of things yet! I swear, the older I get the more I need a vacation to recover from my vacation!

Here's our ship, the Carnival Victory, in port in St. Thomas. This was taken from the aerial tram that's very near to the docks. We were about halfway down the mountain on our way back when I took this. From the top, we had marvelous views of the island. The best part was that there weren't very many people on the tram when we went up. This is a major accomplishment when 2,500 passengers get off a ship at the same time. Fortunately, most of them headed to other excursions, while we just walked around a bit and took it easy.

Although there are
lots of activities every day on the ship, we didn't participate in many of them. Instead, we relaxed, slept in, and did needlework. My friend worked on a baby blanket that she's crocheting and I worked on socks. Here's one I finished. It's obviously enjoying the view from our cabin's balcony. I haven't cast on for the second sock in this yarn yet. Instead, I started a new sock to give to my friend and traveling companion. By the time we got home, I had it most of the way complete. Finished it yesterday and am almost to the heel flap on it's mate now. Then I'll make the mate for this one
We did participate in one important extra-curricular activity on the cruise -- shopping! I confess here and now that I spent
way too much money on jewelry. However, I now have a gorgeous diamond ring, a pair of equally beautiful diamond earrings, and a lovely star pendant with three mother-of-pearl stars inside a larger star outlined in small diamonds. I think I probably don't need any more jewelry for quite some time

I'll leave you today with some eye candy of one of the many beautiful flowers we saw on the trip. Enjoy!
Welcome back! Your vacation sounds great! I love the hibiscus flower (or Rosemallow) I always have. They come in so many colors, and I associate them with vacation time! ;o)
Welcome back!
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